Control de presencia


Web (Filtrado por IP)


Sistemas de huella dactilar

Control e Informes

El control de presencia te informa de las desviaciones por defecto de la jornada real con la planificada, generando si lo deseas horas de absentismo y/o horas normales, extras o complementarias

El control de presencia en IoT, recoge información de diferentes fuentes con nuestra API para ofrecer la información más precisa que no requiere nuevos procesos y sobrecargas realizar por los trabajadores

Generamos de forma automática el registro de la jornada para el cumplimiento del artículo 1.h) del R.D. Ley 16/2013, que solicita la Inspección de Trabajo sobre el registro de cumplimiento de jornada

aTurnos permits the integration of work Schedule and planning data with presence control data in real time from different data sources: Third-parties systems with fingerprints or contact cards, in the same web browser filtering by IP or with Beacons technology for indoor. Besides, these two options are compoundable. The same company or team can do covering from different sources integrated in the same work schedule. With this module, you can control the administrative information with the real input and output data from the workers. You can identify when you want to add absenteeism or extra hours based on the real input and output data from de workers.

Integration with biometric systems and card

With this module, you can control the administrative information with the real input and output data from workers of biometric teams that already existed in the company. This integration can be online or by means of file loading, aTurnos integrates itself with Suprema or Kimaldi hardware. You have to identify when you want to add absenteeism or extra hours based on the information with the real input and output data from the workers.

IP filtering in web browser

Coverings are done from the web browser itself with aTurnos login, it gets filtered when the workers are in corporative networks by means of output IP identification.

Beacons. New management of operations

The mobile phone is the new management tool, use it with your workers to optimize the management. The mobile phone can be used to identify the location of the worker easily and quickly. It is not a continuous tracking, you just only need to define the locations via checks (GPS or Bluetooth) that generate information every time that the worker leaves or enters the location. The current process of clocking in (presence control) oblies the worker to do it manually by means of sliding a card through the reader or using their fingerprint.

The new view that aTurnos proposes is using the mobile phone as the new management tool that permits utilising the mobile phone as a system to locate the team automatically in our labour environment and launch new management processes automatically. For instance, if we leave the patient’s room the mobile phone will request the nurse to fill in a form in that precise moment. For this reason we have call them MANAGEMENT POINTS. The presence control is made with 4.0 Bluetooth technology that permits our mobile phone to receive the identification of the management points that have been distributed in the environment automatically. The worker, with their mobile phone in their pocket and without doing any other movement, generates information when enters in well-defined zones already stablished by the supervisor and it also generates new processes automatically. Besides, this information is sent in real time to the servers in order to obtain a constant improvement in the management. It is not a pure control process but it is a process that generates very valuable information to take decisions in real time, for future plannings and also to analyse expenses in real time. The next chart explains in detail an example where the beacons define 4 locations inside the work environment:

This technology is equally valid to indoor and indoor environments or even a mixture of both. The beacon hardware permits to configure different coverages that will depend on the power of the broadcasting, they can go from centimetres to more than 60 metres. It can be interesting to identify a room, a door, a corridor or a whole area. Next example shows some locations in the space of Prat Airport terminal (Barcelona).

Puntos de gestión Aeropuerto Mapa de calor de aTurnos

This technology generates information as heat maps that help in decision making and it simplifies audits of expenses and the quality of the service. Specifically, some advantages of using this system of presence control are:

  • Permite validar físicamente que los trabajadores se encuentran en las localizaciones de forma automatizada y transparente, lanzando nuevos procesos de gestión.
  • El coste de instalación es mínimo. Es un proceso Plug & Play, donde desde la aplicación de aTurnos se asocia a cada equipo hardware con una localización en aTunos sobre un mapa de Google Maps. Este equipo hardware ocupa poco más de una moneda de 2 euros y la duración de las baterías está en dos años.
  • Se pueden lanzar muchos procesos de gestión como la detección de número de trabajadores por localización. Se aprovecha que el trabajador tiene el móvil para solicitar información en el momento clave para que el trabajador cumplimente la información correctamente.
  • Reports about expenses in each location, the work load in each location or personal necessities in next plannings are automatically generated.

An example can be the health care system o improve the clinical practice management. The process consists in identify the clinician that leaves the room of the patient and offer them different services that can directly complete from his mobile phone. In the door of each room it gets added the beacon to identify the entrance or the leaving of our professional. For instance, when a nurse leaves the room of a patient it could be configured three scenarios:

  • The access system of the professional gets registered in the room for ratios of quality service.
  • When the nurse is leaving the room, the mobile phone emits a petition to fill in a form that the nurse completes in that moment.
  • The nurse records orally on the mobile phone the treatment and the procedures that have been done to the patient in that inspection.

Control e Informes

Visualiza en tiempo real quien se encuentra trabajando en cada momento en un reporte sencillo o sobre un mapa geolocalizando la posición de cada trabajador. Genera alarmas vía notificación o correo si la plantilla no se encuentra según el dimensionamiento definido dentro del horario.

Obten información sobre los tiempos que están los trabajadores en cada una de las localizaciones. Entiende como se distribuyen los tiempos, donde se producen los picos de trabajo o el movimiento de personal en cada franja horaria.

Genera los informes solicitados por la inspección laboral en un solo clic. Los listados del registro de la jornada por cada uno de los trabajadores. Estos informes muestras las hora de entrada, salida, ordinarias y en caso de existir horas complementarias si son pactadas o voluntarias.