In the initial process or creating a service process, one question that supervisors and directors of human resources ask is the number of workers that we need to cover a service. It is a process that depends on many variables but it can be summed up in the definition of the quality of the service that we want to offer according to the demand. Besides, the quality of this service is a quantifiable variable that can be analysed after we check behaviour ratios on the team, therefore, on their results.
The quality of the service coming from the human resources of a team of workers can measure the quantity of workers per shift and the experience of them with the existing demand in that moment or initially with the esteemed demand if there are not real time data. For example, in the infirmary the demand can be analysed paying attention to the number of entries, the number of beds, possible work peaks that can appear or the complexity of the treatments. For instance, in an emergency service it can exist a quality service of one nurse every three beds or two new entries.
The problem is to identify automatically when the estimation in the quality of the service is not achieved and therefore rotation of workers during the same shift to another or taking the decision of new hirings is required. To analyse possible results it has been developed a demand module inside of aTurnos that contains two main functions. Besides, workers aptitude or knowledge can be identified in order to make the best options to configure the teams according to the real necessities. The functions are: